Pea Pods Pre-school Program is for 3 & 4 year olds and provides an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth.
Our program units are the basis for stories, finger plays songs, arts and crafts, creative activities andes. Each pre-school family receives their own monthly calendar. This calendar will walk you through the preschool year with weekly themes and monthly topics. The children will also learn shapes, colors, numbers, letters and site words for kindergarten readiness.
Our parent’s board is set up to give you information that pertains to your child's classroom. Mailboxes in the classroom send home information daily. Our Brightwheel application helps keep parents up to date on upcoming events and messages that may need to be sent home.
Our qualified and dedicated staff strives to encourage and nurture creativity and independence in all children.
Pre-Schoolers Supply List
- Two full changes of clothing including but not limited to shirts, pants, socks, and underwear. A second pair of shoes is also recommended.
- Bed sheets and small blanked (crib size sheets fit perfectly over our cots), please to do not bring bulky full-sized blankets quilts or pillow.
- Blankets must be taken home every Friday, or when necessary to be cleaned, and returned on the following Monday.
- Boots should be provided especially from October through April. Children love to play in the snow. Please provide snow pants, a hat and mittens.
- Please refrain from leaving bulky backpacks and diaper bags in a child's cubby.
- Breakfast, lunch, and two snacks are provided by Pea Pods. Please do not send personal snacks or bag lunches with your child unless they are for health or religious reasons.
- Children in diapers or pull-ups need to bring in a supply of diapers and a box of wipes for their child.
- All personal items brought from home must be labeled with a child's name.