
Pea Pods Infant Care provides a loving stimulating environment for babies six weeks to eighteen months of age. Infants have their own crib. Our play area is spacious with many activities for all our infants to engage in as they begin to grow. Infants are kept on a regular feeding schedule, sleeping, and playing schedule, which includes small and large motor activities.
Our infant lead caregivers have their Child Development Associates (CDA), infant/child CPR and First Aid, through the American Red Cross.
As infants enter their waddler years, our dedicated staff begins to teach them simple sign language to help them communicate. They also begin their creative stage, and the artwork begins. We do go outside as much as possible.
We ask that parents fill out a daily schedule sheet upon enrollment. This information provides us with your infant’s schedule. Periodically these daily schedule sheets will need to be updated because the infants schedule changes so much during the first year. We have the forms available for parents to fill out
Pea Pods Child Care (Penfield location only) participates in a NY State Department of Health Program called Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Through this program Pea Pods can offer a House Formula, infant cereal, baby foods and baby snacks to your child. This program is optional to parents. Please let us know in writing if your child will be using the House Formula and our food.
We use a platform called Brightwheel to communicate information throughout the day to our parents. This tool is a great way to get a true time look at what your child is doing during the day. From diaper changes, naps, feedings are documented.